Author Archives: Emily Ryall

BPSA Conference 2015: Draft Programme

This is a draft programme for the BPSA conference 2015. Details may be added and subject to change but it will start mid-morning on Monday 13th and finish lunchtime on Wednesday 15th (with an additional cultural activity / excursion for those who are able to stay on).

Monday 13th April

11.00 – Registration
11.45 – Conference opening
12.00 – Keynote 1: Andrew Edgar, Cardiff University (Title to be announced)
14.00-16.30 – Parallel sessions
Eve – Drinks reception

Tuesday 14th April

9.30 – 15.30 – Parallel sessions
15.30 – 16.30 – AGM

Wednesday 15th April

9.30 – 11.30 – Parallel sessions
11.30 – 12.30 – Keynote 2: Keith Thompson, ‘Sport and the rest of life – a personal perspective’
13.00 – Conference close
13.00 – 16.00 – Cultural activity for those who are staying longer

Announcement of Keynotes for BPSA Conference 2015

We are very pleased to announce that our two Keynote speakers for this year’s conference are:

Dr Andrew Edgar, Reader in Philosophy at Cardiff University and current Chair of the European Association for the Philosophy of Sport. Andrew is also a past Chair of the British Philosophy of Sport Association and will be speaking on sport and the phenomenology of space.

Keith Thompson, who was the first secretary of the British Philosophy of Sport Association and is co-editor of Sporting Reflections: Some Philosophical Perspectives. He has published numerous papers in the philosophy of sport and philosophy of education and was previously Vice-Chancellor of Staffordshire University.

Announcement – Student Essay Prize

We are offering a student essay prize of £100, plus £100 book vouchers, plus a year’s membership of our journal, Sport, Ethics and Philosophy (four issues) to the best student paper to be presented at the BPSA conference in Sunderland next year.


  • Applicants must submit a full paper (3000-4000 words) on a topic within the philosophy of sport by the deadline 12th January 2015.
  • Papers must be emailed in Word format to
  • Applicants must be a current student at a recognised academic institution
  • Applicants must present their paper at the BPSA conference 2015

Additional student bursaries to assist with the cost of attending the conference will also be available.

The successful applicant will also have an opportunity to work with the editors of the journal, Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, in order to reach a level whereby the paper is appropriate for publication.


CFA – 12th BPSA Conference

British Philosophy of Sport Association

2015 Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts

BPSA 12th Annual Conference – University of Sunderland, April 13th- 15th 2015

Venue: National Glass Centre, St. Peter’s Campus, University of Sunderland, SL6 0GL.

Guidelines for Abstract Submission:

  • Abstract (200-300 words) final submission date – 12th Jan 2015
  • Accepted abstracts will receive notification by 9th Feb 2015
  • Required format is MS Word, Times New Roman 12pt, single spacing, with indicative bibliography; all to fit on one side of A4
  • Abstracts to be submitted electronically to with <your name – ABSTRACT – title> as the filename.
  • Papers must be prepared in English. The Programme Committee are very keen to encourage contributors to submit early versions of abstracts or papers for comment and for advice on language issues.
  • We are happy to receive abstract submissions any time from now.

Conference Registration and Fees:

  • Conference fees are in the process of being set but will be around £200 for a full delegate (including refreshments and lunch) and lower rates for early-bird registration and students.
  • Registration will be available via an online booking form that will be provided on the BPSA website.


  • Final papers may be considered for publication in a range of journals associated in various ways with BPSA and its members, in accordance with normal submission guidelines, e.g: Sport, Ethics and Philosophy; Acta Universitatis CarolinaeKinanthropologica; etc.


We have arranged three options:

1. Sunderland Marriott Hotel: Double Occupancy Rooms at £48.50 pp per night. 30 rooms are being held in reserve until 4/6 weeks before arrival. Delegates should call the Central Reservations Dept. on 0800 221 222, quoting reference code ‘A16’ to make a booking.

2. Roker Hotel: are offering single occupancy rooms at the preferential rate of £65 per night. They are not holding any in reserve. Delegates quote ‘UoS’ or ‘BPSA’ to get the pref rate, subject to availability. The number is 0843 634 3305.

3. Travel Lodge, Sunderland High Street West: Double occupancy rooms are currently £37.


  • Nearest Airport: Newcastle International Airport
  • Nearest Metro Station: St Peter’s (The Metro runs directly to Sunderland from Newcastle International Airport)
  • Nearest Railway Station: Sunderland City Centre
  • Nearest Motorway: A1(M)
  • Sat. nav. details: SR6 0GL



CFA: 1st Conference on Science and Practice of Sports Refereeing

This “First International Conference on the Science and Practice of Sports Refereeing” will take place in Clermont-Ferrand (France) between the 22th and the 24th September 2014.

The aim of this conference is to provide researchers studying sport refereeing with a discussion space in order to increase and improve the scientific network in this area. This network is then expected to answer new queries and to meet the practical challenges of sport refereeing.

I hope that several researchers in Philosophy of sport will be able to present a paper. Many psychologists and physiologists will be there, but I ‘d like a representation of all scientific domains; it is important to not reduce refereeing to a psychological process. Refereeing and rules, and ethics, and judgement… could be very interesting issues.

More information about submission can be found here: Science and Practice of Sports Refereeing

CFP: Playing Politics – Politics in Sport Festival


Saturday 14 June 2014
Playing Politics: Politics in Sport Festival
Call for participants

‘The cell was one of the team changing rooms… By the entrance to the tunnel where the players would go out onto the pitch, a heavy machine-gun was mounted.’
British eye-witness, imprisoned in 1973.

In 1973 General Pinochet led a military coup in Chile. Foreigners, trade unionists and anti-Pinochet protesters were rounded up and taken to detention camps. One such camp was the National Stadium in Santiago, where several detainees were tortured and executed. Others were forced into exile overseas.

Four years later, with Pinochet’s regime in place, the Scottish Football Association (SFA) arranged a friendly against Chile, which took place in the National Stadium on 15 June 1977. The SFA argued that there was no politics in sport. The issue was raised in the House of Commons, a group of Chilean exiles were refused a meeting with the SFA, a week long picket was organised outside SFA headquarters and many fans boycotted Scotland matches. Despite all of this, the game went ahead. Scotland won the match 4-2.

To commemorate the anniversary of ‘the match of shame’ and to celebrate the start of the World Cup in Brazil, we want to investigate when the worlds of politics and sport have come together. Our day long festival will bring out more of our sporting collections and visitors can get involved with lots of political fun and games.

We are looking for groups or individuals to contribute to the day, with short presentations or displays about anything related to politics and sport.

Topics covered may include:
·         How politics have influenced sport
·         How sport has influenced politics
·         Is there politics in sport?
·         Sporting boycott of South Africa during the Apartheid era
·         The controversy surrounding the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics
·         Racism in sport
·         Homophobia in sport
·         Women in sport
·         Debate about the World Cup in Brazil

If you’d like to get involved, please email your name, contact details, information about yourself or your organisation and a short (250 word) proposal to by Thursday 1 May.

Catherine O’Donnell
Play Your Part Engagement & Events Officer

Come and visit our latest changing exhibition The People’s Business – 150 Years of The Co-operative.  On show from Saturday 12 October 2013 to Sunday 11 May 2014.

Visit People’s History Museum every day from 10.00am to 5.00pm.  Free Entry

Looking for a genuinely inspirational venue for a meeting, event or conference?  Find out more about venue hire at the museum

People’s History Museum
Left Bank
Manchester M3 3ER

Tel: + 44 (0)161 838 9190
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Registered as National Museum of Labour History in England no. 2041438. Registered charity no. 295260

CFP: Sporting Females – Past, Present and Future

Leeds Metropolitan University are hosting a one day conference on 4th September 2014 in honour of the 20th anniversary of the publication of Jennifer Hargreaves’ book, ‘Sporting Females: Critical Issues in the History and Sociology of Women’s Sport’.

Although inter-disciplinary, organisers wish to include a philosophical strand, so anyone interested in submitting a paper is encouraged to do so.

More information can be found here: LMUSport FemalesFlyer