University of Abertay, Dundee
Dudhope Castle
26-28 March 2009
Call for Abstracts
The British Philosophy of Sport Association (BPSA) is the United Kingdom’s organisation associated with the study of the nature and values of human movement, including the ethics and the unique values of games, play, and sport. The annual conference brings together academic experts in these fields, from both the UK and overseas, to share knowledge, and exchange ideas.
Abstracts are welcome from within any area of the philosophy of sport and related areas. Abstracts should be 350-500 words long (including references). The deadline for submission is 12 December 2008. Abstracts must be submitted electronically to BPSA Vice-Chair Dr Andrew Edgar. Preferred format is MS Word. Contributors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of their abstracts no later than 26 January 2009. Abstracts will be published in a booklet distributed at the conference and will appear before then on the BPSA website.
Further information about the conference programme, location, travel arrangements, etc. will be posted on the BPSA website as it becomes available. The local organisers will be Professor Steve Olivier and Ms Claire Morton; telephone +44 (0)1382 308727.